Damien Hirst.

Damien Hirst.
"The Artist At Work."

Bob Marley.

Bob Marley.
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Friday, November 21, 2008


in some ways it would be awesome if music was free to download. then so many ore people would be able to afford to listen to music. on the other hand though, then the musicians that produce the music wouldn't really make a lot of money. no matter what the rules are, people are going to find a way to break them. even now, kids send each other songs through AIM, email, usb, burn cds, use downloaders like limewire and frostwire. 
sometimes i feel bad because if you think about it, there are only maybe 15 songs on a track. lets say you buy a cd for 20 dollars. the musicican is only making maybe .75 a song. and that takes time to produce each song. so it's really unfair to them.
but i mean, one dollar for a song on itunes is pretty expensive once it starts to add up. and if its a bunch of kids who want music maybe they can't afford it. i think there needs to be some kind of compromise.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

what would you do if you were deaf and blind?..

".. character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.." Helen Keller.

the quote i chose is a heavy one that holds a lot of truth. life cannot be gone through easily, fluidly, quietly, or happily. i think for people to become their true selves they need to go through life with open arms accepting anything that comes their way. no one ever said that life would be easy, nor would anything be simple. to learn, sometimes you must hurt. to grow, sometimes you must take a step back. and to love, you must lose. 
i think that coming from helen keller that means a lot. she went through almost her whole life blind and deaf. completely cut off from the world in a way that all other people connect to others. i'm sure there were times she just wanted to give up and let life take it's toll on her. and i think life is about those moment. those moments where you feel smaller than the words you speak. you feel little, and insignificant compared to the world. but you are small. everyone is small, and its not a bad thing. life is about being small and making a big impact. it's not about making as much money as possible, it's not about  what you wear, or who you're friends with. its about the little moments that make you happy. so many people are afraid to live the small moments because they're afraid of pain. they're afraid the small moments lead to the big ones. and that all that will lead to making a choice. but making choices is life. it's a privilege and a right. 
live every small emotion, little every little moment. touch as many people as possible in your life. because life is so short. one minute you're obsessing over what dress to wear to prom, the next you're sitting in your house wondering where your life went. do as much as you can in a lifetime. don't waste time with the little worries and concerns, but live as fully as possible and help as many people as possible. if you see someone carry something heavy, go help them. because they won't forget that. if a friend is crying, comfort them, because they will not forget that either. 
cherish the ones you love, and forget anything that gets in your way. don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something. because life is about what you can't do. it's about what you didn't bother to try to do. learn as much as possible. learn a new language. communicate with as many people as possible. learn a new dance. speak with your body. paint something, show what you can do with your hands. sing a song, let's hear your pitch, who cares if it sucks?  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"... arthritis in our thumbs."

little by little, technology brings us closer together. first, it was morse code. then, it was the very first telephone. now, we all have cellphones that keeps us in touch at the touch of a keyboard. but is it all too much? the article we read in class talks about the positives and negatives of cellphone use, and texting in particular. on the positive side, texting keeps us in touch with our friends and family members. it is quick and easy, and usually won't take away from the setting or situation we are in. when in a crowded room, no one wants to walk away or out of the room to make a brief phone call saying, "hey, i'll call you back." it's much easier to just send a brief text.
on the downside, it makes people avoid face to face contact. or voice to voice contact. on top of that people tend to shorten words in texts that they later use in dialogue. and little by little, as people text more, they require need more to fulfill those texting needs. the phones are just getting smaller and smaller. and our fingers aren't adapting to those decreasingly small sizes.
in some ways i agree. i think sometimes when you just need a brief conversation with someone texting is useful. especially if you're in a place where a phone call would be inconvenient. if you were on a bus or in a room full of people, it would be annoying to make a phone call. in a bus, it would be rude because buses are usually pretty quiet and it would be irritating to the other passengers to be chatting on a phone. and if you were in a room full of crowded people, the person on the other line would have a hard time hearing what you were saying. in those cases yes, i agree texting can be good.
on the other hand, i dislike the way people turn words into slush. words like thanks being turned into "thnx" or great into "gr8". it would take maybe 2 more letters to just write the entire words out. or when people start using words like "gunna" in actual writing. it's a mockery of the english language. i also hate when two people sitting next to each other are texting each other. that's just irritating. just talk to each other right? on top of that, texting makes people so paranoid. i can't stand it when people check their phones every 2 seconds making sure no one has texted them. i mean, i'm sure you'll hear it when it rings. texting is fun and i do it too, but i don't get paranoid about my phone or irritate others around me with it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

dinner time.

i guess dinner time is a time for a family to come together around the same table, share a meal, share details of their day, and all just bask in happiness and family-together-ness-time. i know dinner time is important and all, but i'm social without having an overwhelming amount of joy for too much time with other people. i like spending time and meals with friends and family. but dinner time is the one time of the day i enjoy being by myself. i usually make my own meals or buy my own meals. i like sitting by myself, listening to some music, reading while i eat, and just relaxing. it's just quiet. my whole day is spent being hectic and busy, so dinner's the only real time of the day i can just sit back and not have to think about everything behind me.
yesterday night, i had penne vodka for dinner. i learned to make it from a good family friend. i made it which took my about 25 minutes or so. i took it up to my room and sat down. sometimes instead of reading, i like watching a little tv while i eat. so i watched some law and order, flipped through the history and discovery channel, and finished my meal. i guess it's not exactly quiet since the tv is on, but i mean. at least it's not someone talking non-stop about something i don't really care that much about. i just like being alone sometimes and i don't think it's weird to be honest. i mean it sounds unsocial by all means, but everyone has those moment they need to just be alone. and for me, that's dinner time.