Damien Hirst.

Damien Hirst.
"The Artist At Work."

Bob Marley.

Bob Marley.
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

dinner time.

i guess dinner time is a time for a family to come together around the same table, share a meal, share details of their day, and all just bask in happiness and family-together-ness-time. i know dinner time is important and all, but i'm social without having an overwhelming amount of joy for too much time with other people. i like spending time and meals with friends and family. but dinner time is the one time of the day i enjoy being by myself. i usually make my own meals or buy my own meals. i like sitting by myself, listening to some music, reading while i eat, and just relaxing. it's just quiet. my whole day is spent being hectic and busy, so dinner's the only real time of the day i can just sit back and not have to think about everything behind me.
yesterday night, i had penne vodka for dinner. i learned to make it from a good family friend. i made it which took my about 25 minutes or so. i took it up to my room and sat down. sometimes instead of reading, i like watching a little tv while i eat. so i watched some law and order, flipped through the history and discovery channel, and finished my meal. i guess it's not exactly quiet since the tv is on, but i mean. at least it's not someone talking non-stop about something i don't really care that much about. i just like being alone sometimes and i don't think it's weird to be honest. i mean it sounds unsocial by all means, but everyone has those moment they need to just be alone. and for me, that's dinner time. 

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