Damien Hirst.

Damien Hirst.
"The Artist At Work."

Bob Marley.

Bob Marley.
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

be real, you fools.

be real. don't ever pretend to be something you are not. when you are speaking to someone, you look them straight in the eye so they know you are telling the truth. don't you ever dare stare blank into another's face, and lie to them. that's just wrong. if you are going to lie, you do it where their eyes don't match yours. you don't look them in the eye and tell them a bold faced lie. wear what you want to wear. don't worry what's in style or what anyone else thinks. it's your style that makes you who you are. don't be afraid of risks. take them willingly. but don't become a straight addict. don't live your life on impulse for there are consequences for our actions. but live it fully. don't ever give up on anything, especially yourself. don't ever give up on anything you believe in. don't ever turn your back on those who mean the most. they are not replaceable. don't ever leave your best friends for what you think are "better" friends. don't ever leave the one you love for the one you like, for the one you like will leave you for the one they love. don't ever try to be more or less than who you really are. follow social niceties. be polite to people. but always be honest. don't tell someone you dislike that you can be their best friend. that's just dishonest. politely let them know that they annoy the crap out of you. when letting someone know they suck, you must always be the better person. don't do to them what they do to you. two wrongs do not make a right. be sensitive to other's feelings no matter how insensitive they can be to you. look them in the eye and gently tell them. leave me alone. it's very simple. sarcasm is easy but unhelpful in most situations. i have come to discover that many people cannot pick up on sarcasm and are easily offended. if you are the type to brush off their emotions like a little dust on your shoulder, then life is simple. but will not always be pleasant. when letting someone down. you apologize. and never assume sorry is enough. you ask what it is you can do to make it up to them. you never assume you can justify your actions. be proud, but not boastful. being condescending is the most evil of all sins. you being good at something doesn't give you the right to make someone else feel like crap. Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. don't just speak to hear yourself speak. it's freakin' annoying when people do that. it's like people have to talk about something just to keep their voice boxes in working order so they'll have good voice boxes in case there's ever anything really meaningful to say. it's dumb. don't be dumb. it'll make me just like you less. be social. don't stay home all the time. spend time with your friends and show them you care. i hate people who sit at home every night and talk to their dogs, or action figures or whatever. like dude, go outside and get some goddamn fresh air. 

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