Damien Hirst.

Damien Hirst.
"The Artist At Work."

Bob Marley.

Bob Marley.
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Self Incrimination.

Two years ago I was a camper at a snowboarding camp in canada. I remember one night me and some friends were just sitting around a fire in the lodge and two of my counclers walked in. they weren't much older than us and they were close friends. One of them asked me a friend if we wanted to sneak out of the camp later and go to the center of town to hang out. I knew what would happen if i got caught. They'd send me back to the states and my parents would go postal on me. 
I debated it for a while but i was so tempted. I ended up climbing out the bathroom window of our cabin with my friend and meeting the two guys in the parking lot. We went to town and got back around 6 in the morning. Me and my friend both fell asleep at breakfast and our counclers were let's say "tired" the whole day. I didn't get in any trouble but at the same time i was thinking about the risk i took, and for what? I had fun and i'm glad i went but I would have been devastated if i had gotten caught and sent back to the states. 

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

Does the end justify the means? In this case no. Two years ago, word got out that military soldiers and government officials were torturing captured insurgents. In my opinion, two wrongs do not make a right. Just because someone did something inhumane to others doesn't give us the right to do the same. If we start doing the same things to these people that hurt us, how does that make us any different than them? We become everything that we hate. It has been proven that there are other ways to get information. We can use a friendlier form of interrogation that doesn't hurt anyone else. The world is full of so much violence and hatred, is there really a need to add to that? In my opinion no matter what any one does, they don't deserve it back. Yes, it makes them a bad person, but do you also want to be a bad person that gives it right back to them? I think the American G.I's should be help completely responsible for what they did. And 10 years is nothing for prison time. If we caught someone doing this to citizens from the U.S we would go postal and sentence them with death or throw them in jail for life to be tortured for information and so on. Why is this man that did this same exact thing only being given 10 years? Are his actions justified because he's in the military? Doing something right in your life does not justify the wrongs you have done. "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

"..like, literally."

I think that the word "literal" is used in a sentence when one means that he or she is being serious. Example: "It was "literally" the worst day ever." This implies that it was not just the worst day ever, but it was REALLY the worst day ever. I'm actually not completely sure. I try not to say things such as "like" or "literally" too much in my sentences. I find that it get irritating.