Damien Hirst.

Damien Hirst.
"The Artist At Work."

Bob Marley.

Bob Marley.
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Thursday, October 30, 2008


halloween, samhain, the festival of the dead. whatever you call it. everyone gets the same image in their minds. little kids in awkward costumes going around begging for food, i mean candy. the scenerary is always the same. it's always cold. it's always windy. your shoes get ruined and tracked in soggy toilet paper from the night before. but one halloween will set it's self apart from all other halloweens.
it was last halloween. my friends and i were in new york city near Greenwich village. obviously we were all dressed as something inappropriate. it was getting late and we decided to head out. we were all sitting there. in our costumes on a new york city bus. on any other night in and other city we would have been freaks. 
it was a good night, got plenty of candy, shot plenty of people with paintballs, and we were plenty tired. So we got back onto a bus from SOHO back to Jersey. we were so tired we all fell asleep and started dozing off. all of a sudden my phone rings. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS..." i turn around and realized we left my friend Jason behind. alone. in SOHO. DRESSED AS A PREGNANT HOOTERS GIRL. 
so we sent him a cab and he got home okay. he was pretty pissed for a week or two. but serves him right for talking to random homeless people in SOHO.

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