Damien Hirst.

Damien Hirst.
"The Artist At Work."

Bob Marley.

Bob Marley.
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Thursday, October 30, 2008


halloween, samhain, the festival of the dead. whatever you call it. everyone gets the same image in their minds. little kids in awkward costumes going around begging for food, i mean candy. the scenerary is always the same. it's always cold. it's always windy. your shoes get ruined and tracked in soggy toilet paper from the night before. but one halloween will set it's self apart from all other halloweens.
it was last halloween. my friends and i were in new york city near Greenwich village. obviously we were all dressed as something inappropriate. it was getting late and we decided to head out. we were all sitting there. in our costumes on a new york city bus. on any other night in and other city we would have been freaks. 
it was a good night, got plenty of candy, shot plenty of people with paintballs, and we were plenty tired. So we got back onto a bus from SOHO back to Jersey. we were so tired we all fell asleep and started dozing off. all of a sudden my phone rings. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS..." i turn around and realized we left my friend Jason behind. alone. in SOHO. DRESSED AS A PREGNANT HOOTERS GIRL. 
so we sent him a cab and he got home okay. he was pretty pissed for a week or two. but serves him right for talking to random homeless people in SOHO.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"my name."

"susan lee. " 8 letters altogether. 3 syllables in total. "eel nasus" backwards. i like it though. i've had quite a few nicknames. but my most famous must be the nickname that incorporates my entire name without a space between the first and the last. suzylee. it's what people know me as. you can say it in one breath. you can say it without stopping for a pause. it's just simple and straight to the point. it's different and simple. i think that's what makes it me. i'm pretty simple and by far pretty different. i think it's interesting in the sense that one of my all time favorite bands has a song called "Suzy Lee." it's also interesting the song describes me in the most opposite way. it's a song about being unsure, insecure, negative, and scared of being alone. i don't consider myself any of that. i'm sure of myself and the person i've worked hard to become. i'm not negative or positive. i'm realistic. and most of all, i'm not afraid to be alone. i know that the only person whose going to take care of you is yourself and everyone needs to learn that. everyone needs to learn that they can't expect people to always be there to fall on and depend on. sometimes, when you fall it's up to you to put your own hands on the ground and push yourself back up. lee. it's such a common name. i've heard it as a first name, a middle name, and as a last name. but i like the tone it has. suzy lee. i get to use 2 letters most people don't get to use in a name. it's not a loose name it's not a strong name. it's practical to me with a bit of an artistic flare. and to me, that's perfectly fine. 

Thursday, October 23, 2008


i think every generation has it's own concerns. some get passed down from the past to years to come. growing up in a time where everyone in your country is borderline insane and the government is now just controlled chaos, it's not fun. everyday you turn on the television and the headline for the day is "COUNTRY IN RECESSION. ECONOMY FAILING. PEOPLE DYING. THE TERRORISTS ARE COMING FOR US. EXPECT TO HAVE CANCER. tune in at 11." 
it just really puts a lot of pressure on people i think. on top of being really worried about the government doing it's job, people are worried about loosing there's. i've never known a world without the fear of global warming and the freakin' atmosphere collapsing on us. it really does affect the way i live. global warming especially worries me. i don't want to be living on mars in 10 years. i do what i can to really recycle. on top of that, the economy recessing really does take a toll on families and bussinesses everywhere. my parents are always talking about how hard bussiness is. it makes you much more careful with your money and appriciate what you have a lot more. 
and the terror in the world is really just cripplig sometimes. sometimes, if you just sit back and think about the danger in the world. it really does scare you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I don't really see it. My sister and I are nothing alike, but apparently we are. But how? I'm old enough to know what the hype around the Spice Girls was like, and to understand what song people are talking about when they refer to "Baby, Got Back." I'm old enough to have thoroughly enjoyed a movie about an annoying kid who gets left "Home Alone," and understand what the acronym TMNT is. What is she old enough for? I have incense sitting in my room older than her. I flip the channels and pick probably the most violent show or whatever has cars crashing into things. Her? She picks the show with the most color or some show that revolves around a figment of some crackhead's imagination. (a.k.a Spongebob? The Hell?..) Her clothes never match because she's going through what my mother calls "a phase." (Mind you, that's what she called it when my sister spent two weeks running into walls. Yea... okay..) She always wants to pick her own clothes so it usually ends up being purple pants, a yellow shirt, and some belt that couldn't have any more obnoxious designs on it. Me, on the other hand, I'm really not sure if I own anything that isn't completely or partially black. So I don't see it. We aren't alike. Well, I'm pretty sure she gets her attitude problem from me. Or the strange things she says every now and then are probably my fault too. The only time i realized that we were actually related was when she got sent home early from school for mauling a kid in her class. He took her lunch box, and I MAY have insinuated to her that it was okay to hit people if they started it. So she kicked, punched, bit, and basically destroyed the kid. Yup, maybe we are related. 

Friday, October 17, 2008

"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right..."

"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than jesus now; I don't know which will go first- rock and roll or Christianity. Jesus was alright, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me." - John Lennon.

This quote by John Lennon was in reference to the Fab Four. Also known as The Beatles.
It's really funny actually how upset the general public got over this. In my opinion it's really not like he was deliberately offending the Christians of the world. He was more sharing his opinion of the faith. He isn't declaring that the Christina faith was stupid or anything, he was just saying that there was a lot to it that he didn't agree with. He is saying that he's fine with the religion. He is just stating that he feels like everything is twisted and corrupted. It really is hard to decipher between the truth and the lies sometimes because of how old the stories are and how long it takes for those stories to be passed down. 

I really think people just over react a little. It's not like other people aren't thinking it.  It's just the fact that he's famous and what he says is broadcasted all over the headlines the minute it comes out of his mouth. Like really now. Who cares? And let's be honest. Okay so he was being a little cocky. But seriously.. The Beatles were big. We're talking defined the musical standard for the 60's kind of big. So yeah, maybe he had a bit of a huge ego. But I mean. Who cares? Let him say what he wants to say. You know?

"If You're Going To Screw Up, Do It While You're Young."

Question: Do you worry about becoming an adult? Why or Why Not?
not really. i have a really realistic attitude towards life and it gets my through just about everything. i don't consider my self pessimistic nor am i optimistic. i'm just plain realistic. i realize that some things are beyond my control and i don't go out of my way to get upset or worried by them. growing up is a part of like. it's a big change but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. changing is what makes us human. and we just have to accept the fact that we can either be prepared or unprepared. if you do everything in your power to prepare for life then you'll be fine. if you don't, then there's a good chance that you won't be okay. that's the reality of life. so, i guess my answer is no. i am not worried about growing up. 
for example, if you study for a test, you'll be fine and you'll pass. if you didn't, then you're probably going to fail. that's just the reality of the fact. worrying and being nervous isn't going to help you pass that test one way or another so there's no point in worrying or being nervous. on top of that, if you worry too much about the future, you forget to live in the present. you forge to just have a good time living life and the experiences that life has to offer. schools and parents only pressure kids to worrying about their future and their lives as adults. and then they get mad when kids are rushing to grow up. stop rushing us. let us just enjoy our childhood and friends while we still have time. we'll have plenty of time to worry about being an adult when we're adults. i mean, there's nothing wrong with preparing but worrying and stressing out won't do much for us at this moment. some things you just have to experiance to understand. so how are we supposed to know how to act like adults, if we aren't adults? for now, i'm fine with just enjoying my life and having a good time. you don't miss what you have until it's gone and i don't want to be that person who grows up and realizes that they completely missed out on their childhood. you know?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"The Idea Is More Important Than The Object."

so, i guess this is my first post on this blog. not really sure what to talk about so i guess i can talk about my blog's title and why i chose it.

"the idea is more important than the object" is a quote by my favorite artist, my muse, and source of inspiration. his name is damien hirst. 

what this quote illustrates is that the effort and thought is much more important than the execution of that idea or though. i just personally really love that quote because it makes me realize that it's not about being the best or how well you do something. it's about the journey of getting there. what fun is life if you live rushing? rushing to grow up, rushing to get out of the house, rushing to be something else. sometimes, if you live too much in the future, you forget to live in the present. you know?