Damien Hirst.

Damien Hirst.
"The Artist At Work."

Bob Marley.

Bob Marley.
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain”

Thursday, June 11, 2009

the abortion war.

Politically, I am very pro-choice. I use the term pro-choice because I hate the way people use the term pro-life. What is that supposed to mean? If i believe in a woman's right to choose what happens to her body, it makes me anti-life, or pro-death? I think every woman who has to make this choice makes it with somewhat of a heavy heart. You don't wake up one morning and decide I am going to kill my unborn child. It is a difficult decision that is very personal that the public, nor the government, has no right to interfere with. I don't think that the doctors that perform these operations should be penalized. They are just doing their job. There are jobs that are a lot more inhumane in my opinion. There are people who are out there who are paid to go and hunt down people. There are people paid to completely remold faces and body parts. The people who find justice in killing these doctors are insane. They kill because the doctors kill? Two wrongs don't make a right.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Self Incrimination.

Two years ago I was a camper at a snowboarding camp in canada. I remember one night me and some friends were just sitting around a fire in the lodge and two of my counclers walked in. they weren't much older than us and they were close friends. One of them asked me a friend if we wanted to sneak out of the camp later and go to the center of town to hang out. I knew what would happen if i got caught. They'd send me back to the states and my parents would go postal on me. 
I debated it for a while but i was so tempted. I ended up climbing out the bathroom window of our cabin with my friend and meeting the two guys in the parking lot. We went to town and got back around 6 in the morning. Me and my friend both fell asleep at breakfast and our counclers were let's say "tired" the whole day. I didn't get in any trouble but at the same time i was thinking about the risk i took, and for what? I had fun and i'm glad i went but I would have been devastated if i had gotten caught and sent back to the states. 

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

Does the end justify the means? In this case no. Two years ago, word got out that military soldiers and government officials were torturing captured insurgents. In my opinion, two wrongs do not make a right. Just because someone did something inhumane to others doesn't give us the right to do the same. If we start doing the same things to these people that hurt us, how does that make us any different than them? We become everything that we hate. It has been proven that there are other ways to get information. We can use a friendlier form of interrogation that doesn't hurt anyone else. The world is full of so much violence and hatred, is there really a need to add to that? In my opinion no matter what any one does, they don't deserve it back. Yes, it makes them a bad person, but do you also want to be a bad person that gives it right back to them? I think the American G.I's should be help completely responsible for what they did. And 10 years is nothing for prison time. If we caught someone doing this to citizens from the U.S we would go postal and sentence them with death or throw them in jail for life to be tortured for information and so on. Why is this man that did this same exact thing only being given 10 years? Are his actions justified because he's in the military? Doing something right in your life does not justify the wrongs you have done. "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

"..like, literally."

I think that the word "literal" is used in a sentence when one means that he or she is being serious. Example: "It was "literally" the worst day ever." This implies that it was not just the worst day ever, but it was REALLY the worst day ever. I'm actually not completely sure. I try not to say things such as "like" or "literally" too much in my sentences. I find that it get irritating. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

definition of motif.

Motifs are the recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the piece’s major themes. It can be an idea, object, place or statement. An example could be the "rules" in fight club. They are constantly being mentioned and are a main theme and point in the book. It allows the reader to understand how things work in fight club. It is like a secret, silent code but everyone who is in fight club understands and lives by it. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

sarah jewett.

She was an american novelist and also wrote short stories.  She is best known for her local color works set in or near South Berwick, Maine. Her and her family were residents of New England for generations. Jewett was educated at Miss Olive Rayne's school and then at Berwick Academy. She wrote about things she grew up around and knew about. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

sweet kicks, new whips, and hockey sticks..

i don't mean to brag but i feel like i really have the whole package going on. i'm functional, yet practical. adorable, yet durable. from the start i've been comfortable because i don't have laces. i like my pink sole and edging. it gives me a little flare that everyone loves. the poka dots are just the icing on top. but let's not forget my crown. 
i've been through a lot with my owner. (i wish she would stop leaving me in the garage and just wash me once for god's sake, but that's not the point i suppose...) the second or third time my owner wore me out was to a pickup hockey game. she was on defense and scraping my sole all over the pavement. that was not something i really enjoy but whatever. i suppose that's what you get for being made a functional shoe.
this other time, my owner and her friends were driving down to the beach for the day. we were driving down the highway and she had her feet kicked up out the window when i fell off her foot! THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP. finally i rolled over to the emergency lane and wondered if she was going to come back for me or not. well her being her, she made her friends pop a u-turn and come back for me. that was unpleasant. 
if i recall correctly, she bought me about 4 or 5 years ago. i wonder how much longer she plans to keep me around. she hasn't worn me in quite some time and i've seen the others pass by. her favorite black uggs, even thought they are, in fact, really ugly.. her tall black boots she wears when going out. the duck taped etnies (him and i get along well. he's one of the nicer shoes she owns; the rest are kind of jerks.) i'm sure if i still fit her, she'll wear me eventually. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Video Prompt.

This video will explain all aspects of this new work out that you have just seen. It's a mix between a yoga workout, dancing, and visual stimulation. It vitalizes your senses and strengthens your muscles. It the new craze that is sweeping the nation! Buy this video and you will be able to enhance all aspects of your life! Your friends will like you more! Your family will approve of your new found personality! Women and Men from everyone will be attracted to your new confidence!

buy it. you won't regret it!

Friday, March 6, 2009

"...the ethical man knows not to cheat on his wife whereas the moral man actually doesn't."

In reference to #2 on this site: http://www.friesian.com/valley/dilemmas.htm.

If that were me, I think i would have chosen to pull the chair. Although it's horrible and sad, the rationality is
that if I wasn't the one to pull the chair, the guard would have done it then killed another innocent person because
of my actions. It's a terrible thing and as sad as it is, it's the right thing to do. No matter what the son would have died.
At least his death wouldn't have caused another person their life. As a father, I can't even imagine what it must have
been like to have to do that to your own son. But I wouldn't want my actions to take someone else's life. Rationally,
one person dying is better than two people dying. The chances of me being able to understand the pain of a father
killing his own son is slim. But in this situation there is I think there is technically a right and wrong thing to do.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


over break, my friend amber, joe, and i are going up to mountain creek for the weekend. we'll probably spend the day time snowboarding and just hanging out, then at night there's a couple parties at mountain creek we want to go to. there's a heated out door pool so i'm really excited to just get back to the house after snowboarding then just jump into the pool and.. HOT TUB.. when i come back on monday, i think monday night i'm going up to hunter with some friends. come back tuesday, and then the rest of break is just going to be relaxing and working. same old same old. then sometime this week, i'm going up to pennsylvania for my friend dirt biking competition. good stuff. :]

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Own Worst Enemy.

In retrospect, not a lot of things in life get me down. But one thing that really just depresses the hell out of me is how i chose to make decisions. I don't like to read too deeply into things, so when it comes to making a choice, it's almost such an "enie-menie-minie-moe" situation with me. I think that makes me my own worst enemy a lot of the time. I don't make decisions or choices based on what will make me the happiest or better, i basically base it on what is going to make it easier on me and everyone around me. i avoid making choices that hurt me or my friends around me which is weird because i can be the riskiest person, but I'm so conserved some days. i have the absolute worst inner conflicts about almost everything. if it comes down to two things i can't chose between i just usually drop both and don't think about it. because i do this, i really am never sure what i really want or what makes me happy because of this. it's not even that I'm indecisive or anything and i can't make a choice, it's just that i hate making them. i hate having to think about consequences so i just do things a lot of the time without thinking about it. i know it's stupid and it's going to end up biting me in the end. but or now it just makes things easier.